solutions and consultancy
logistics and transports


Freight  Guard

Our proprietary software, developed in years of activity and constantly evolving, is a set of applications that includes more sophisticated functions than most TMS. All over the web: simple and without local installations.

Cost  assessments

Real-time freight costs monitoring based on your shipments information is critical to your business. Freight Guard  looks into the contracts and rates applied by your carriers as well as any additional service, any fixed or variable charges, such as those dependent on fuel price or exchange rate changes. Our Back Office team takes care of data maintenance, for instance tariffs and variable costs changes so that your data are always up to date.


Thanks to our business intelligence we can provide flexible customized reports in pdf or excel format to meet your specific needs. You can either download these report from our website or receive them automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.

Online  Quotes

FACS gives you the ability to calculate your freight costs using a reserved area of our website. Simply enter your shipping data into a custom FACS site page to get the shipping cost within seconds. This allows you to compare different providers and services; accurately calculate the costs to be charged to the receivers; ensure that variable cost items such as fuel surcharge or foreign exchange rates are accurate.


Before you receive your vendor’s invoice, we can produce for each carrier a pre-invoice with all the relevant data and the costs calculated according to the used services.  This tool performs the automated cost allocation and feeds it back to your financial system minimising work at both vendor and customer sides.

We help companies save on shipping costs

Facs provides professional consulting and auditing on your company's logistics